Advanced IM Search (AIMS)
Advanced IM Search is a quick, easy and fully searchable database of IM test results. It is intended to support munitions designers, test centres, IM boards, program managers and munitions suppliers.
AIMS provides access to IM test results for munitions and generic test units for each threat defined by the NATO IM policy: fast heating, slow cook-off, bullet impact, fragment impact, sympathetic reaction and shaped charge jet.
Every test result is fully referenced, searchable and in certain cases access is granted directly to the source material. The information is displayed in a table that provides the munitions name, its main characteristics (energetic material, caliber, case material, packaging), mitigation, test set-up and test results. For each test result, a detailed view provides additional information on the munitions and the test itself, and when available, a picture of the test is included.
The platform also enables users to search through all the databases at once by using a unique and simple interface. The results are displayed per IM threat in separate tabs that reproduces the interfaces of each database. Tests performed with the standardized IM threats can also be sorted in a synthesized table that easily allows comparison of the munitions IM signatures.
Users can also access the related NATO test standards, the list of references used to populate the database as well as a description of commonly used generic test units and shaped charges.