O-163 Environmental impact of munitions Life Cycle - A case study using Comp B

June 2015
Dr Matthew Andrews (Energetic Materials), Rebecca Stonhill

Munitions and their impact on the environment has become an ever increasing topic of interest and research. Short and long-term effects upon environments, ranging from atmospheric effects to aquatic life to mammals, has to be considered when choosing an energetic material for a munitions or pyrotechnic. New materials are being used within munitions and ordnance to comply with National, regional and REACh legislation/policy.

As part of this renewed attention into the environmental impact of munitions, MSIAC has carried out a review of the literature and work being performed within the nations and NATO. To aid the review process, a case study was developed using two energetic material compositions; Composition B and PBXN-109. The life cycle of these materials were reviewed from manufacture through to disposal. At each stage the potential environmental impact, including pristine and reacted material, was considered.

Using the Composition B data from the review, this paper will discuss the range of physical, mechanical, chemical and toxicological parameters that are needed to describe the complex problem. A number of models related to toxicity will be discussed and evaluated against the composition.

Recommendations are made as to how to use the models and parameters to assess energetic materials with regards to their potential environmental impact.


Presentation details

This paper was presented at IMEMTS, Rome,18th – 21st May 2015 and at 46th ICT, Karlsruhe, 23rd – 26th June, 2015

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