L-267 Resonant Acoustic Mixing: Qualification Challenges

January 2021
Dr Matthew ANDREWS (Former MSIAC), Christelle COLLET (MSIAC), Aurihona WOLFF (ENSTA Bretagne, FRA), Christopher HOLLANDS (MSIAC)

New processing technologies are allowing researchers, industry and academia to probe new materials space not previously achievable. These technologies include additive manufacturing and ResonantAcoustic® Mixing (RAM) which are being demonstrated to reduce processing times, environmental impact and of course cost. With the introduction of any new technology it is imperative that users, managers and national bodies provide the resources and time to determine, understand and provide guidance associated with the safe operating envelop.

The use of this mixing technology allows manufacturers to apply different routes to produce their end items. This can include mixing energetic materials directly into a case or body thereby reducing processing time, waste and cost.

Whilst these changes are positive for both supply and demand they raise a number of questions with respect to assurance. A batch or even a lot could be just one item which challenges the current concepts for energetic material qualification, munitions qualification and life assessment.

To start discussions on these questions MSIAC organised a series of technical meetings and invited subject matter experts from government, industry and academia. This brought practitioners of RAM together with those persons responsible for qualification of energetic materials and munitions.

This paper provides a summary of those technical discussions, recommendations and invites the wider community to comment and consider the implications for munitions safety.

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Propulsion Technology TSO
Energetic Materials TSO