L-128 NATO Survey of Cost and Benefit Analysis Model (CBAM) Holders
MSIAC functions under work plans that are approved by its SC each year. In the work plan, MSIAC proposes to the SC the tasks that are needed to accomplish the goals of the SC, as outlined in its strategic plan. One of those tasks in the work plan is to increase the use of CBAM by Member Nations. In order to develop a plan for marketing CBAM, it is necessary to find out if and how CBAM is being used by Member Nations. This is best accomplished with a User Survey of those individuals who currently have a copy of the CBAM program. Since MSIAC maintains a database of MSIAC products that are sent out, it was not difficult to develop this list of CBAM holders. With feedback from the survey results, MSIAC then planned to develop a proposal for CBAMs future for SC consideration and approval. At its last meeting in October 2005, the SC asked that this proposal be presented at the October 2006 SC meeting.