L-066 The NIMIC Workshop on Small-Scale Testing and Modeling

November 2000
Michael Fisher (Propulsion Technology) , Dr Michael W. Sharp (Energetic Materials)

The NATO Insensitive Munitions Information Center (NIMIC) sponsored a workshop under the title "Small-scale Testing and Modeling" in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, from the 24th to 28th January 2000. The main objective was to bring experts in the testing and modeling communities together to discuss how small-scale tests and models can be applied and developed to assist in the hazard assessment of munitions.

This document summarizes the activities, conclusions and recommendations of the workshop. Participants were divided into two groups during the first half of the workshop: (1) testers, and (2) modelers. Each group discussed the tests or models currently available to aid in the prediction of full-scale test results and the assessment of a munition's IM-ness. During the second half of the workshop, the participants were again divided into two groups: (1) thermal testers and modelers, and (2) mechanical testers and modelers. As in the first session, each group concentrated on reviewing the current capabilities in modeling and testing, and identifying deficiencies in available data as well as testing/modeling capabilities.

Conclusions regarding the current state of testing and modeling capability are presented, along with a discussion of the technical issues raised and the technology gaps identified, such as the deficiency in the understanding of the mechanisms and effects of damaged energetic material. Recommendations for future efforts to address the identified deficiencies are presented. Plans are also discussed for reevaluating the hazard assessment protocols to address shortcomings and new information, and for the organization of a NIMIC workshop on IM Assessment Methodology, which would tie together Munition Threat Assessment, use of the protocols, and IM testing and modeling activities into an overall approach for planning and conducting the assessment of a munition's IM-ness.

Contact us for more information

Chris Hollands
Project Manager
United Kingdom
+32 2 707 5630