E3 on Munitions

Providing advice and expertise on the effects of the electromagnetic environment on munition safety

Throughout the system life cycle, munition systems are exposed to a range of natural and deliberately-generated electromagnetic environments. MSIAC expertise in electromagnetic environmental effects (E3) on munitions focusses on understanding how munition systems respond to those environments and on developing methods to assure through-life safety.

Specific areas of interest include:

  • Best practices for munition design to ensure inherent safety within expected electromagnetic environments
  • Methodologies and instrumentation for Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) testing
  • Characterization of the electromagnetic environment to which munitions will be exposed throughout the system life cycle and, in particular, the proliferation of transmitters operating at increased powers and higher frequencies
  • Development of tools and modelling capabilities to predict munition response to the electromagnetic environment  and to provide operational guidance on appropriate mitigations
  • Assessment of munition response to other electromagnetic threat environments including electrostatic discharge (ESD), lightning, and electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
  • Development and promotion of policy and standards supporting nations’ E3 safety efforts

Contact us for more information

Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) on Munitions TSO