O-082 Version 2 Energetic Materials for Insensitive Munitions Suppliers Catalogue

January 2005
Duncan Watt (Energetic Materials) (version 2), Dr Michael W. Sharp (Energetic Materials) (version 1), Lt. Robert Elphick, Royal Australian Navy (version 1)

MSIAC is often asked to provide information on suppliers of energetic materials with IM potential. To help the IM community we have put together a catalogue of suppliers of energetic ingredients and formulations. To create the document, MSIAC contacted suppliers and requested information in the following areas:

a. Company details

b. Company point(s) of contact and contact details

c. Brief summary of IM manufacturing experience

d. Ingredients and formulations (fillers, plasticisers polymers, others) produced, quantity limitations and availability. In particular, data on new ingredients was requested.

Only seven companies have provided information in this format. These are included in section 1 of this document.

In order to make a more complete listing of potential supplier section 2 has been added to 1) list potential sources for various IM materials; and 2) provide further reference points where more suppliers can be found.

The document as it stands is, and will continue to be a work in progress, clearly there remain many companies missing. To address this, we will add new information as it becomes available and will release new versions when and as required.

Contact us for more information

Energetic Materials TSO